
Keyboarding can be so boring. I’ve already finished Microtype, which doesn’t help, because I used to be able to just do Microtype the entire class, but now that I’m done, I actually have to do Everfi. Every time I go into keyboarding, I’m dreading it. And every time I leave, I end up with terrible headache. Why can’t we do FUN  typing exercises? Mycrotype, Typing Club, and Everfi are super boring. What else can we do during keyboarding to make it more fun?

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Hi! I’m Max, a 13 year old transgender, and non binary dude. I started this blog when I was in sixth grade, and now I continue it to tell my story, and hopefully to inspire others.

4 thoughts on “Keyboarding

  1. Hi, I’m a Mercer student, and one thing I’ve done to help me with Microtype was to visit a website called (A legit website 🙂 ) that has calming music. I also search for music on Scratch. I hope this may help later on.

  2. Hi, I am a Mercer student too. We do Micro type and Everfi and they can get quite boring. Have you ever tried nitro type? You can play with friends

  3. I am also a Mercer Student and also know how you feel! I also listen to pandora or scratch music to help clear my mind and enjoy a little more!

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